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Caves São João - Sociedade dos Vinhos Irmãos Unidos, Ldª
Caves São João

“Combining vanguardism and tradition, Caves São João started, in the 1930s, the creation of sparkling wines and, in 1959, the production and commercialisation of quality bottled wines on a national and international scale. Always inspired by the past, it planted in Quinta do Poço do Lobo, acquired in 1971, the grape varieties that allowed them to innovate, always bearing in mind the maintenance of the classic profile of its wines".

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Founded in 1920 by brothers José Manuel and Albano Costa, Caves São João is a family business which, at first, was dedicated to the commercialisation of fine Douro wines and liqueurs. Today, it is the oldest family business still operating in the municipality of Anadia.

Nowadays, and after some investments in the vinification and quality control areas, Caves São João is prepared to face future challenges at the production level, always with the concern of following the evolution of the markets and the tastes of the increasingly demanding and attentive consumers

S. João da Azenha (Anadia) - Ap-1

Estrada Real, 3780-140 Sangalhos

+351 234 743 118
+351 234 743 000
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